Inhabit: Mini Documentary

During my recent performance/participation piece/exhibition, Inhabit, the wonderful and extremely talented film maker Ellie Kynaston visited me during my week in the gallery space, to document me and my work as the project unfolded and create this mini-documentary.

Ellie visited me as I set up the gallery space in preparation for the first model of 30 that I worked with and drew during the week, then visited me as Callie, a professional life model, worked with me, and again as two of my sitters, Jasmine and Sinead, posed for my drawings. Finally, she documented the process of finishing the hang, just moments before it opened to the public after a week of extremely intense work.

Once this project finished, I created a book as documentation of the entire experience, including a diary of the week both in written and pictorial form, and finishing with a reflective essay on this piece of work, which was one of my most challenging undertakings to date. The book is available to purchase here.

Thanks to Callie, Sinead, James and Jasmine who appear in this video, and a huge thanks to Ellie who shot, directed and edited this film.
